Sunday, October 09, 2005

Money, Money, Money

I have money issues. I mean, I LOVE saving money, hate spending all of it, and do not give to anyone unless I love them. With that said, my boyfriend is the complete opposite. I like to plan money out, plan how I am going save for items, I just like to plan! He likes to just see how it goes and I feel that is why we are still living at his parents. We go to CostCo. and spend about $45 on complete crap. I do not see the value in CostCo. unless you own a business or have a family of 100. Otherwise, shop at the grocery store. It's a huge committment to eat there stuff. You buy chicken for a whole village instead of 2 people. It's completely ridiculous. It's one of the things I hate about California. I hate many things. My list could go on forever and here goes...

1. The highways- They are endless and you never see the true cities.
2. The traffic- I do not see the appeal of being in 2 hour traffic for work. I came here forlove. God help me. That's my excuse for being in southern California.
3. The people- The difference between the East Coast and West Coast is that people in the East will tell you to your face that you suck, while in the West, people will smile and say you are great and behind your back they will say you suck. I prefer the East Coast way, at least you know where you stand.
4. Food- It's absolutely horrible here. Even the chains suck. I miss the little italian joints and the big greasy pizza. The pizza is too spongy and has no taste. The mexican food is even bad. The same old shit all day long. No variety. You would think that there would be a ton of different choices considering the melting pot, but no.
5. The people who multiply like rabbits. Use condoms! It helps!
6. Cheap people who think taking private tennis lessons is a waste. Trust me, you need it.
7. Drivers who do not check their blind spot.
8. The horrible smell on the highway when you pass cities.
9. The lack of culture in each city. I swear each city is almost the same. They all have McDonald's and Fridays.
10. The lack of real movie theatres in cities that have at least 200,000 people. California, you multiply like rodents! You would think that there would be creative people in those cities. God Damn this place!

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