Thursday, December 29, 2005

LAX and straight to the Desert

So I am back to SoCal and I'm glad to be back even though I left kicking and screaming. I really miss my family now but I will be okay. It was great to see the Mr. Cali and hug him. I missed his touch and smell. We rushed home from the airport and did the unmentionables then went straight to sleep.

This is quite embarrassing but I snore when I sleep. I snore loudly when I can't breathe or I am completely exhausted. Since I was having both problems, I was performing an orchestra for Mr. Cali.

His family has just gotten home and while I'm glad to see them, I am a bit apprehensive since I don't want to live here. I tend to go from really mad to tolerant when I see them. They are really nice but I am ready to MOOOOVVVVEEE out of here. We made a plan to use our credit cards to pay for the apartment and then pay each others debt each month with huge installments. I'm really good about keeping my word so we will have to see how this really goes. If anyone reads my blog, what do you think? Is it a good idea?

Tonight, I am planning to hit the gym at 6:40 pm and come home by 8:45 so I can cook something before heading out to the Riverside gym so I can go swimming. I haven't done this in about 2 years and I am ready to see how badly I doggy paddle in the water. Must shave first ! :)

Not much is planned for the next couple of days and I'm glad since I want to get to cleaning before the New Year and cook something warm for my Mr. Cali tomorrow and New Years Eve.

I can't wait to move... Have I mentioned this?

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