Wednesday, January 23, 2008

You probably didn't know...

I love to eat an avocado with a knife;
I think a sandwich is a perfect meal;
I really don't enjoy being friends with exes;
I don't understand how my other half can have lunch with theirs;
I think a perfect day is tennis, lunch, nap, movie, chinese;
I miss philly and the summer walking;
I love to shop at the gap;
I love the little burgers at the McDonald's;
I pick my nose in the bathroom;
I fear making life choices;
I feel incredibly lonely in California;
I am a cookie monster;
I love to read blogs;
I love early nights and early mornings;
I love my boyfriend's cat even though I don't love the poop box;
I fear beautiful people;
I don't trust people who always smile;
that I cry all the time. very emotional;
that I sometimes sleep in my clothes even if I sweat in them;
I love diet coke, a meal is not a meal without Diet Coke;
that I am incredibly insecure when it comes to boyfriend and exes;
I think pesto with pine nuts is tasty and warm for the body;
I love hot dogs for all meals;
I don't really crave mexican food or puertorican food;
I crave time alone after a long day;
A nap is always in order in my book;
I sleep bundled up like a burrito-always have;
I snore and talk in my sleep;
I drool;
I fart in my car;
I enjoy shopping alone;
I don't know how to put make up on;
dressing up is cruelty to me;
salad is an awesome meal;
thai is second;
I miss some old friends.

so, your coming to town huh? Want to catch up? Any specific place you want to go to while you are in town?

I don't think I have your cell phone number anymore, so email me your info and we can hang out :)
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